PREFIX                                   DESCRIPTION
A                                 Retired railroad worker (Annuitant)
H                                 Retired worker on a pension
JA                                Survivor “Joint Annuitant”: an employee who is receiving a reduced annuity in order to guarantee payment to his widow.
MA                              Spouse of Annuitant
MH                              Spouse of Pensioner
PA                               Parent of deceased Annuitant
PD                               Parent of deceased Employee
PH                               Parent of deceased Pensioner
WA                             Widow or widower (of an Annuitant) who is 60 or over
WCA                           Widow with a child in her care or a child alone.
WD                             Widow or widower (of an employee) who is 60 or over
WCD                           Widow (of an employee) with a child in her care or a child alone.
WH                             Widow or widower of a pensioner
WCH                           Widow (of a pensioner) with a child in her care or a child alone.